The Medusa Society

a group of high-school aged students that provides a supportive network of peers to anyone who reaches out and needs a listening ear.

Medusa’s Story

Medusa is used as a symbol to fight back against the narrative that victims should be shamed, blamed or punished for their assault. Medusa and her story have been reclaimed as a symbol of strength and power, with her image also being used as a mark of protection against evils.

In Ovid, Poseidon rapes Medusa in Athena's temple. In McMullan, Poseidon lures her there under false pretenses with the end goal of making romantic advances. In both, Medusa is an innocent victim, and in both Athena is unconcerned with Medusa's lack of complicity and punishes her, not Poseidon. Early waves of feminism regarded her as a major symbol for female empowerment and reclaiming agency from male-dominated society.